It's Your Time to Shine (Ebook)

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It's Your Time to Shine (Ebook)


Enjoy one of the best books on grace you will ever read. This has been a project in the making for many years and we believe will expand your horizon and revelation into God’s grace and make you shine!

As you delve into the good news, I believe you’ll experience an open Heaven and an atmosphere of undiluted, unfading glory. As this message goes out, some will be healed as they turn the pages, just reading. Transformations will take place. The miracles of God will manifest. Lives will be edified as we enjoy the goodness of our God.

This is an ebook available through download as a PDF only through

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Endorsement by Bill Johnson

“It’s Your Time to Shine is a wonderful book by Rob Rufus on the greatest of subjects—grace. I’ve been with him when he has ministered on this theme, and was so deeply touched and encouraged. To get us there he takes us into an honest look at the Law/religion that still operates in so many believers’ lives. From there we examine the full effect of the Cross; where grace has provided, for each of us, abundant life, forgiveness and acquittal from the Law. I have been very encouraged to find a teacher with this emphasis that did not treat sin lightly, which has become more frequent in recent days. We know that real grace empowers righteousness, not sin. And so it is with great joy I recommend both the man and his message.”