Early Life and family
Rob and Glenda were both born and raised in South Africa. Getting married at the ages of nineteen and seventeen respectively, Rob and Glenda produced three wonderful children, Jay, Ryan, and Bonnie, as well as eight beautiful grandchildren.
Rufus Family in 1986
Krishna to Christ
As Rob grew older he searched for that very same presence in all sorts of religions but always knew something was missing. As a young adult, Rob would often be confronted by Christians who tried to intellectually convince him of Christianity but he was always win the debate. Not impressed with 'boring' Christians, Rob searched for God in Islam, Buddhism, and hedonism, but found the extreme devotion of the Hare Krishna's too appealing and decided to join a community in 1976. Daily routines included hours of daily chants and prayers, washing idols with yogurt, celibacy within marriage, farming, and evangelizing regularly on the streets of Durban.
On a few occasions, while out preaching Krishna, Rob and Glenda were witnessed to by some Christians, but they were very different. They looked at Rob with power, and declared that he must be saved.
After a year of this extreme lifestyle, Glenda ran away from the commune in the middle of the night for fear of being caught and punished. Rob couldn’t justify leaving and stayed on in determination to seek God. It wasn’t long after this that they got saved in 1977.
Victory Faith Centre in 1980
Moving to Adelaide, Australia
In 1991, Rob and Glenda landed in Adelaide, South Australia where they co-led Coastlands International Christian Centre for three years with Dudley and Anne Daniel. Dudley then handed the full time leadership of the church in 1994 to Rob and Glenda, where they led it for a further seven years. Rob and Glenda loved the Aussies very much and felt truly welcomed by them. Coastlands grew from 400 to over 1500 members within the ten years of their leadership. They were on national television several times, the newspaper and arts festivals. Coastlands was a church where the unsaved would come and get radically saved. The broken, the crippled, the nearly dying would come and be healed. They met in a large basketball stadium and soon became very well known in the city. Rob was unashamed to preach the Gospel with power and signs following. He was highly mocked in the city for being too radical but that only made him more determined to see a church radical for Jesus. In April 2001, they handed over the leadership of the church and went full time into trans-local ministry sharing the Gospel everywhere they went.
Just moved to Australia in 1990
Rob and Glenda in Hong Kong in 2004
Prayer Meeting in 2006
Getting Married in 1975
God's Presence
Growing up with agnostic and atheist parents, Rob and Glenda had no background of Christianity. Glenda was occasionally dropped off at Sunday School (so her parents could have a day off) where she had some vague reference point of who Jesus was. At the age of five, Rob, while playing in the garden on one occasion, felt the tangible presence of God come upon him one day and he knew that must have been God.
Glenda on the right as a Hare Krishna
Rob as a Hare Krishna
Just after getting saved in 1977
Victory Faith Centre
Only 2 years of knowing Christ, they planted their first church at the ages of 23 (Rob) and 20 (Glenda), called Victory Faith Centre (VFC) in Pinetown, Natal in 1979. After a very power encounter with the Holy Spirit during one of Kenneth Hagin's meetings, their lives were changed forever as well as their church. Their first Sunday meeting back, they saw the powerful moving of the Holy Spirit in his church for the very first time. People’s lives were completely changed, people came and got saved and many were healed miraculously. VFC quickly grew to 700 people within just a few years and had raised enough money to buy their very own building in the heart of Durban. This became a very influential church in the city and people from all over would come to get healed. After leading for twelve years, Rob and Glenda felt the call to Australia. They handed over VFC and left for Adelaide, South Australia. Victory Faith Centre (now called Red-Point Church) today is still continuing on. Rob and Glenda travel back to South Africa every year to minister with different churches. They hold VFC deeply in their hearts and love the people very much.
Rob and Glenda in 1990
Hong Kong
In 2004, God spoke very clearly to move to Hong Kong so with their daughter Bonnie, they did so to start City Church International. Before Rob left for Hong Kong God spoke very clearly and said ‘He wants to establish a move of My Spirit in Hong Kong that will touch Hong Kong and the nations of the world’ and ‘if you live to fill people with my Spirit then I will live to fill buildings with people full of my Spirit’. They said yes to this call and began this new journey in Hong Kong that is continuing today. Their first official meeting was in their home with 18 people. They were so excited and couldn’t wait to see Hong Kong people filled with the Holy Spirit. They gathered in their home every Wednesday and Sunday and it wasn’t long before they had to move out of their home into the HITEC Centre in Kowloon Bay. They were there a few years before moving into another building, the YWCA in Mong Kok. Here they had their first Glory and Grace Conference and had to squeeze into the building because people from around the world came. It was here that Glory and Grace Conferences were birthed around the world and Rob and Glenda and their team travelled to preach the Grace Messaged. Every Sunday City Church International would have over 150,000 people tuning into the live stream to hear the message being preached. At this time it was new to the church and people and churches all over the world were being turned around. Again not everyone was fond of Rob and what he was preaching but he was confident in his assignment from God and continued to preach boldly so that more and more came into this freedom. Rob is very grateful for preaches around the world, like Joseph Prince and others, who too preached boldly and never gave in to the pressure to conform. In 2012, City Church International when up front translation and what an impact that made. Local Chinese people were coming to the services and hearing the message of Grace for the very first time. Their faces would fill up with emotion and tears would stream down their faces as they encountered His presence. Never in their lives had they heard such good news!! In 2015, City Church very excitedly moved into their very own facility in Kwun Tong and they now hire 24/7. As you walk around City Church, you will see lives that have come from all sorts of backgrounds but the Message of Grace changed their lives and they are now changing other people’s lives. Rob and Glenda are truly grateful for obeying the voice of God to come to Hong Kong and feel privileged to call Hong Kong home. They are wholeheartedly invested into seeing Hong Kong and the nations of the world filled with the Holy Spirit. If you are ever in Hong Kong, please come and visit us and enjoy the pleasure of meeting our wonderful church family!